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Heb je een probleem, stuur je een mailtje of geef je een belletje en je wordt in de kortste keren geholpen, Deona heeft een super team, staan echt altijd klaar om te helpen waar het nodig is.

Stichting Kinderopvang Kralingen is a local player and provides childcare to approximately 500 children each month. SKK has 2 day care centres, 7 after-school childcare facilities and 2 nursery facilities. ‘We are neither small nor large,’ says Natasja Knappert of SKK. ‘We have unique locations, immersed in green areas with lots of outdoor space. The children often play outdoors and we offer a great variety of activities. We have a good reputation in the neighbourhood and are now also the least expensive childcare provider. Thanks to these 2 elements we have gained many new customers.’

Childcare planning
SKK has worked with the childcare planning module of Flexkids - now KidsKonnect - since the beginning At that time we chose this software to optimize the occupancy and we succeeded in that, says SKK. ‘It is a customer-friendly programme. It indicates clearly when something is not right. It has happened that the number of pedagogical staff members was shown in orange in the programme, even though we had scheduled two of them. Then we zoomed in on the details and it appeared that there was one staff member too many because we had received a number cancellations. Immediate savings!’
Another advantage of working with the chilcare planning module at SKK is that the system is linked to the other modules, including the group portal. The pedagogical staff can see each day which children are coming or not. The staff can also swap contracted childcare days.
Personnel planning
The personnel planning module was introduced a year or four ago, and seemlessly connects with the childcare planning module. ‘The personnel module is really great! We already had a tight personnel planning in Excel, but still received individal applications for leave and timesheets. Processing those was very time-consuming. Now it is directly visible when too many staff members are scheduled on a group, so they can be rescheduled for non-group-bound hours or as a replacement for task hours. Everything can be controlled much better.’

Greater operating efficiency
‘Thanks to the use of the software we really have increased our operating efficiency! Optimizing the processes, optimizing the occupancy and optimizing the personnel deployment. All together this offers a higher yield because it enables more tactical planning. There are of course costs to the system; in addition to the monthly subscription, one also has to buy tablets, which need to be replaced at regular intervals. And every now and then we are visited by a consultant, to optimise the package even further with new features. So the package always stays up-to-date. That also costs money, but altogether we definitely still realize cost savings.’
‘On a scale of 1 to 10, I would give you a big fat 9! I simply am very happy with you.’


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